Tuesday 7 December 2021

Transcendental Meditation: A Key to Leading a Happier and More Contented Life

Stress is an unfavourable condition that almost every person faces in their life. Chronic stress is commonly linked to a variety of psychological and even physical problems. It can strain your relationships, may hamper your day-to-day life, and may even lead to mental health problems like anxiety and depression. When an individual feels unhappy and discontented for a prolonged period due to a high level of stress, they may become detached from their loved ones.

While some do yoga and meditation to manage stress, others often opt for anti-anxiety medications. While these pills medications may provide fast results, their effect wears off pretty soon as well. Hence, it is important to adopt a more holistic approach to stress management. Fortunately, there are certain happiness meditation techniques, which allow you to manage your stress levels pretty easily, while also enjoying a sense of happiness and bliss. Transcendental meditation or TM is one such technique that helps you get rid of stress and anxiety and provides you with deep rest and rejuvenation.

What is TM? 

Transcendental meditation is a simple and effortless technique of accessing the deeper states of mental awareness. This scientifically verified practice helps in calming down the chaotic mind and providing deep rest to the body. This leads to the removal of stress, rejuvenation of the brain function, improvement in mental and physical health. TM also helps you to bring bliss and positivity back into your lives. 

TM is an automatic technique that is largely based on the inherent tendency of the mind to access higher states of happiness. It pulls the mind deeper into subtler states of awareness till the source of thought is reached. This source is filled with infinite bliss, intelligence, and creativity. It manages to harmonise brain function and bring physiology back to balance. TM also reduces stress hormones like cortisol by 30 per cent and improves your endurance to stress. All of these factors make it one of the most impactful meditation techniques to gain happiness.

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